
Antigua and Barbuda | Argentina | Aruba | Australia | Bahamas | Barbados | Burma (Myanmar) | Bhutan | Brazil | British Virgin Islands | Curaçao | Dominican Republic | Ecuador – Galapagos Islands | United Arab Emirates | France | Grenada | Georgia | Guadeloupe | Hawaiian Islands | Chile | India | Italy | Jamaica | Japan | South African Republic | Jordan | Cambodia | Cape Verde | Qatar | Colombia | Costa Rica | Cuba | Laos | Lapland | Madeira | Malaysia | Maldives | Martinique | Mauritius | Mexico | Nepal | New Zealand | Oman | Panama | Puerto Rico | Ras al Khaimah | Singapore | Sri Lanka | Saint Lucia | Saint Martin | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | Switzerland | Thailand Koh Samui | Trinidad and Tobago | Tyrol | Venezuela | Vietnam


kdy jet na dovolenou do Japonska

If you want to go somewhere where everything is “different”, then Japan is the ideal destination. The whole country and the people in it are deeply set with one foot in the context of their history, traditions and culture – and with the other foot in the distant future and personal freedom to be bizarrely strange in any way. Japan has given the world, on its journey from an ancient civilization to one of the most progressive countries ever, so much material to admire, think about and inspire, that it will make you think around.

Why go to Japan?

A trip to the land of the rising sun and a short stay in it will be your intense life travel experience. Throw away all prejudices and forget about the information loaded, because everything will be different. You will always get a package of unforgettable experiences, impressions and surprises from Japan. All in the good sense of the word.




Kdy jet na dovolenou do Gruzie

Georgia is referred to as the cradle of wine growing, which has had its place here for seven thousand years. Twelve climatic zones, which include semi-deserts or high mountains, wish for wine, bathing and spa. But also skiing, snowboarding, hiking or adrenaline sports. According to a Georgian proverb, guests are a gift from God, so you will rarely feel lonely in Georgia. From the next table, you will always be invited to sit down. You can easily lose the few kilos you gain here from the excellent menu by treading high hills or swimming in the Black Sea.

Why go to Georgia?

Gruzie je destinace, jakou jste ještě neviděli. Má všechno! Je dostatečně exotická, ale zároveň příjemně evropská,  divoká, nečekaně moderní, přívětivá, rozmanitá, plná překvapení. Těžko se zařazuje do nějakých turistických přihrádek, sama se ještě místy hledá a občas prosí o shovívavost, ale vy jí tu shovívavost rádi dopřejete. Vrátí vám to v plné kráse, plnými deníky zážitků a plnými alby fotografií.





Kam jet na dovolenou do Francie

All right, I’m having a hard time speaking English there. Or at least not willingly. They play 40 percent of French songs on the radio, during your stay someone will definitely be on strike, at every step the slogans of Liberté, égalitié, fraternité jump out at you! But where else can you find such a strong concentration of intellectuality, bohemianism, inspiration, Unesco-protected food, fine wine and French kisses in one place than in a hexagon-shaped country that occupies a fifth of the EU? The country that has hosted the Tour de France for more than a century has the largest number of roundabouts, a vast forested area, famous cemeteries, exciting libraries, a passion for champagne and snails – and Europe’s highest peak. Whoever plans to climb Mont Blanc must count on about 12 hours of demanding climbing. Or with twenty minutes of beautiful, panoramic rides on the continent’s highest cable car.

Why go to France?

France is one of the world’s most popular tourist destinations, but don’t worry, you’ll still fit in. I to the Louvre. Also on Paris Gare du Nord, which is the busiest train station in Europe. I to the Eiffel Tower. By the way, you can visit it, but do not make any claims on it. Since 2004, she has been married to the American archer Erika La Tour Eiffel….



Kam a kdy jet na dovolenou do Itálie

The most delicious delicacies, the most winey wines, the most Italian women. Fragrance and senses, elegance and fashion, culture and art, but also a bit of chaos and a bordello. This is passionate Italy, a country where colorful fireworks, gelato and delicious pizza were invented. Italy is a  country where giant truffles with the title of world champions are born and kittens protected by law are littered under the threat of a three-year prison sentence. It is a beautiful country with wonderful football, the highest number of UNESCO monuments, a history rich as far as memory goes and, above all, it is a country that will welcome you with open arms at any time. Whether you come to the mountains, the sea or sightseeing, you will immediately fit in and feel good, regardless of the destination and season.

Why go to Italy?

Italy is a founding member of both NATO and the EU. The sixty-millionth boot in the south of Europe, which attracts with its incredibly diverse nature, beautiful cities, romantic atmosphere and reputation of the cultural Mecca of the region. The largest Italian city is Rome, the smallest state in the world is the Vatican, the oldest is San Marino. If you long for solitude and love mystery, pay attention to the island of Poveglia, which has a horror past and an abandoned present – it is closed to the public.




kdy jet do Chile

Where the world ends. And also where, despite the small area, probably the most climatic zones alternate. From eternal ice and glittering glaciers and snow-covered volcanoes to rainforests and endless sandy beaches to the world’s most arid desert. Find everything here. And you will experience everything! You will get up in the morning and enjoy great skiing in the Andes, in the afternoon you will swim in the Pacific Ocean. In the morning you will stroll through the streets and squares of Santiago de Chile, in the afternoon you will relax under the palm trees in the comfortable loungers of the Viña del Mar beach resort and in the evening you will show your romantic nature in the port of Valparaíso. Boa viagem!

Why go there?

If you are interested in human coordinates in addition to GPS coordinates, then you are right in Chile. Here, family and friends pay for the greatest value that forms the backbone of society. The cordial and friendly approach of the local people is also associated with hospitality, which often invites you to a barbecue. Chilean warmth is contagious and makes even the biggest pest look at the world with different eyes!




kdy jet do brazílie

Eight puzzle: what do you get when you mix fairyland, diverse culture and omnipresent energy? The correct answer is Brazil! The fifth largest country in the world, which occupies a huge part of South America, owns the Amazon basin, the largest rainforest on the planet, the pampas in the Rio Grande do Sul region, the Pantanal wetlands, 7,500 kilometers of sandy beaches, the preserved colonial towns of Ouro Preto, Tiradentes, Paraty, Olinda, roaring Iguaçu Falls, canyons, mountain ranges and scenic national parks Lençóis-Maranhenses, Chapada Diamantina, Chapada dos Veadeiros or Chapada dos Guimarães, idyllic tropical islands Ilha Grande, Ilhabela, Ilha de Santa Catarina, Morro de São Paulo, Boipeba, Ilha do Mel and the Fernando de Noronha archipelago, a paradise for surfers and turtle and dolphin watchers.And in general, look forward to a whole encyclopedia of plant and animal species that will be pushed into your attention and lenses. Unforgettable…”

Why go to Brazil?

The colourful puzzle of Brazil’s 200 million population is made up of African, European and Middle Eastern pieces. Your trip to Brazil will likely start in Rio de Janeiro, a megacity that is among the most vibrant anthills you have ever visited. You can continue in the footsteps of sweet tooth and gradually discover the secrets of regional cuisines from African influences in the state of Bahia to German and Italian influences in the state of Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul.




kdy jet na Jamajku

No matter how you think about Jamaica, you will be accompanied by a rhythm. A country with its own soundtrack and music in the blood is another star of the Caribbean sky. Discover it? Jamaica is a baby-friendly destination, don’t be afraid to take your kids with you regardless of their age. Do not ask yourself if you will visit Jamaica, but when you will visit it. Coconuts and rum are available. Unlimited.

Why go there?

Stormy waterfalls that cross the landscape suddenly in places you wouldn’t expect. Entire coral gardens below slightly undulating sea level. A coastline lined with fine sand beaches, headed by the royal Seven Miles Beach. Luxury golf resorts, such as in Montego Bay. The inexhaustible possibilities of water sports. A climbers’ paradise in the Blue Mountains and the highest mountain of the Blue Mountain Peak, from where you can also see Cuba in good visibility! In Jamaica, visit local markets, the Bob Marley Museum, learn about ancient Rastafarian healing practices, taste local culinary specialties. And most importantly, be a welcome guest thanks to the warmth of the locals.



Hawaiian Islands

kdy jet na Havaj

Hawaii, the pearl of the Pacific, is made up of everything you need for the perfect vacation. Beautiful sandy beaches, swimming in the azure blue sea, endless sources of wonder and respect for beautiful nature. A destination that won’t bore you, it has coral reefs, waterfalls, dense tropical forests and volcanoes. The archipelago consists of a total of 132 islands of volcanic origin in an isolated chain of 2,400 kilometers and ten of the world’s fourteen climate zones. When you try to recite the names of the eight most important, you will actually sing how melodic they sound: Hawaii, Maui, Oahu, Kauai, Molokai, Niihau, Lanai, Kahoolawe.

Why go to the Hawaiian Islands?

There are different nationalities in Hawaii, which is why the cuisine, culture and ordinary view of the street crowd is colorful and interesting. Unique experiences are waiting for you. You can swim in a volcanic crater in Maui, take a photo gallery of the world’s most colorful beaches – from black, through green, red to white, imported from California. Visit Pearl Harbor, Diamond Head Volcano, Waikiki Beach, Honolulu City, Manoa Falls, Haleiwa Surfing Paradise. You can feel the “aloha” lifestyle perfectly and not be ashamed to bring it home – in the soul, in memories and in the form of classic souvenirs.




kdy jet na maledivy

If you have a list of destinations you want to visit in your life in the Maldives, do not hesitate and plan your trip before it slowly disappears underwater! This life goal is definitely not unrealistic, on the contrary, it is available. Affordable too! On the same day you check in, ask about water sports and what you can try. The calm waters here wish tourists and kindly welcome inexperienced athletes, divers and swimmers. Then, when you return for a meal in one of the quiet, blue lagoons with white-white sand, you will enjoy not only local specialties and tropical fruits, but also views, views and horizons that are not forgotten. Including an epic sunset!.

Why go there?

If you have a list of destinations you want to visit in your life in the Maldives, do not hesitate and plan your trip before it slowly disappears underwater! This life goal is definitely not unrealistic, on the contrary, it is available. Affordable too! On the same day you check in, ask about water sports and what you can try. The calm waters here wish tourists and kindly welcome inexperienced athletes, divers and swimmers. Then, when you return for a meal in one of the quiet, blue lagoons with white-white sand, you will enjoy not only local specialties and tropical fruits, but also views, views and horizons that are not forgotten. Including an epic sunset!.




Amazing landscapes, legendary ancient temples and fortresses, spicy but very tasty food, colorful festivals and above all authenticity. Whoever lives a fast-paced urban life full of stress and under the weight of seemingly fundamental problems should go to Bhutan. The magic of the isolated Himalayan kingdom is in the rich cultural heritage, traditions and history that have been – and still are – here. Bhutan is a mountainous country, where almost half of its area is located at an altitude of over 3,000 meters, which means an amazing offer of treks with the assistance of beautiful Himalayan scenery of wild flora and fauna, monasteries, fortresses and temples.

Why go there?

In the Himalayan Kingdom, gross domestic happiness is used instead of gross domestic product as the main indicator of maturity. Bhutan is like a box of miracles for a European tourist, into which its owner allows you to enter, look around and marvel.




Kdy jet na kubu

If you would like to visit Cuba, now is the time! Private business is starting to wake up, services are getting better overnight. And the consumer lifestyle does not yet dominate the traditional. Most tourists head to Cuba for the blue sea and white sand, but these are not the only treasures. If you step off the hiking trails, you will discover hospitable fishing villages, cities full of architectural gems, lush forests, rugged mountains or abandoned coffee plantations.

Why go to Cuba?

Catch the wave and plan your trip to Cuba. You may not like it at first glance, but give it a chance. It is unmistakable and fatal. Famous cigars and mojitos, Cuba Libre, Bacardi or Daiquiri will keep you company as you contemplate how strongly the people, their energy, culture and history will impress you. Despite progress, Cuban cities and towns have not changed much since the days of pirates, so their colonial character has a special charm for a European. Havana, Trinidad, Remedios, Camagüey are places with a typical Cuban atmosphere and at the same time with pride in their cultural heritage.




Kdy jet na Bahamy

The saying “It’s Better in the Bahamas!” And why? Because of the pleasant, warm weather. Because clean environment, wide beaches with gradual entry into the water. Because friendly people and because the made holiday paradise. Bahamas as if it was not enough to be “only” better at something. We know what they’re best at! If you have diving and water sports at the top of your list of interests, then it will be just for you that everywhere is good and in the Bahamas the best. Regardless of which of the 700 local islands you visit.

Why go to the Bahamas?

Coral reefs in Andros, Tuna Alley and The Bimini Road, Exumas Land and Sea Park, coral caves at Abacos, diving (not only) among the sharks in Bimini and around Stuart Cove’s Dive, shipwrecks on New Providence, these are places worth seeing. It has long ceased to be the case that the Bahamas belonged only to the American rich. Accept an invitation to the most beautiful Bahamas beaches in Exuma, a stroll through colonial architecture and Nassau Harbor, a game of golf on Paradise Island or Cat Island and its network of underground caves.




Kdy jet do Singapuru

Everything is world class in Singapore. Luxury hotels, business centers, historic buildings, infrastructure, green parks, zoos, gastronomy. Thanks to the harmonious coexistence of the old with the ultra-modern, unique photogenic nooks are created in this city, which you will not find anywhere else. A small island town that thinks of itself as big is a playground for rich people and their luxurious lifestyle. The cosmopolitan anthill of cultures, tastes, races, smells and colours is a paradise for collectors of perceptions, as well as miles flown. From Singapore, you can easily and cheaply get anywhere in all directions, do not hesitate to study the options!.

Why go to Singapore?

For those who are afraid to leave the village, we have good news! Singapore is arguably the safest city on earth due to its strict laws and extraordinary safety requirements. There is no religious or racial tension, no civil unrest and the crime rate is negligible. And you can speak English without any problems.



Sri Lanka

kdy jet na srí lanku

Experiences kaleidoscope in fast or slow motion, just the way you want it. Pronouncing the name of the capital is a regular linguistic breakthrough, but otherwise it is accessible and kind to Sri Lanka! Eight Unesco enrollments squeezed into a small area, you can go around the entire itinerary of experiences in one day and still eat well. Are you attracted by ancient temples and old fortresses, rich safaris in national parks, refreshing rainforests,  or pristine white beaches winding around the island? It’s so close everywhere!.

Why go to Sri Lanka?

Sri Lanka is a destination you can afford and must indulge in. Depending on where you are going, it will be more favorable to plan a trip either in December-March or in May and September. The backdrop, however, will make you tropical conditions one way or another, you will taste Ceylon tea, hot cuisine, coconut wine or arak brandy. You will like Sri Lanka, if you do not have to run into other tourists, but you do not mind meeting a herd of elephants, if you insist on the friendliness and hospitality of the locals. Be sure to include the following places in your plans: the center of ancient Ceylon Anuradhapur, Mahavihara and Jetevana monasteries, Lion’s Rock, Polonnaruwa, Dambulla, and Kandy. And we’ll leave the rest to you!.



Cape Verde

kdy jet na Kapverdy

Cape Verde, or Cabo Verde, is a chain of ten volcanic islands in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of West Africa. The highest point of the archipelago is the active volcano Pico do Fogo, the cultural center is São Vicente, the biggest attractions of beaches and quiet seaside villages, the center of entertainment and music clubs Mindelo, Sal and Boa Vista are water sports and diving centers, Santiago, Fogo and Sando Antão are a paradise for hiking. If you want to get to know the real atmosphere of the island, go outside your hotel resort and actually outside your island. Between all ten islands, there is either air or sea transport, and each of them will offer you something different, unique.

Why go to Cape Verde?

Fifty shades of sea, fifty shades of sand, and fifty shades of experience await you on the Cabo Verde Islands. On the beaches, you will often walk alone, the waves will be yours, the wind, the views, the opportunities, the depths, the greatest peace you will find on the island of Boa Vista, on the contrary, the bustle, nightlife and music will absorb you in Mindelo on São Vicente and Santa Maria on the island of Sal. The Cabo Verde Islands are like an Advent calendar – a different surprise awaits you under each window – and all sweet!.



Costa Rica


A small country in Central America is a movie destination for an ordinary Central European. Come up with any activity, add “exceptional” in front of it and your holiday plan is born. And beware! We are talking here about both exceptional activities and exceptional rest. How you feel right now.

Why go there?

Because you’re not going with the flow, you’re going against it. Because the mainstream doesn’t tell you anything and because you really want to spend an unforgettable time on your holiday. Rainforests. Wildlife. Sunny beaches. Volcano. Water sports on wild rivers and in high waves. Perfect food. And coffee. People. Interesting, smiling, happy. And lest we forget, you can add ECO to what you have read above.



Trinidad And Tobago

exotická dovolená trinidad a tobago

A beautiful land of contrasts that has everything you expect from islands in the Caribbean and more. Trinidad and Tobago, an island state off the north coast of South America, is spread over two main and another twenty smaller islands. The larger and more developed Trinidad is a multicultural anthill with a reference to Creole culture, the capital is Port of Spain. Much of the island is covered by rainforest. Sleeping princess Tobago is rich in natural attractions and diverse beaches lining almost all sides of the island.

Why go there?

The home of the best chocolate in the world is also a paradise for bird watching and first-class diving. You will find perfect opportunities for hiking, swimming under waterfalls, excellent cycling routes and a rich nightlife that culminates in a carnival, one of the region’s largest events. If you are looking for not only a destination, but also a reason, then head here just at the time of the carnival and enjoy cultural events, music, dance, colorful costumes and absolute culinary delight. A unique home culture has developed on the islands over the past centuries. It is no exception that in one city next to each other you will find a Christian church, a Muslim mosque and a Buddhist temple.



New Zealand

All texts about New Zealand have the same effect – an irresistible desire to visit this miraculous Hobbit country in person! Rugby, hook, kiwi, bungee jumping, sheep, endless green plains, scorched film locations, wild rocks and dramatically dissected nature that appears and envelops in an ever-present white haze. In an area as large as Great Britain, there are twelve times fewer people and six times fewer sheep. For every New Zealander, there are six. Although the country is sleepy, enjoys a high standard of living and is very progressive, for example, women have had the right to vote here since 1893. The whole one-third of the map is a nature reserve, ecology is not only considered here at a glance. A river that has been granted human rights flows through here.

Why go there?

New Zealand is relatively isolated in the South Pacific Ocean and consists of two main islands separated by the Cook Strait. These are the North Island and the South Island, plus numerous smaller and even smaller islets. It is never far from the beach, which is due to the fact that it is not more than 128 kilometers from any point on the map to the ocean. Thus, with good planning, you can manage to ski and swim on the same day. For civilization, you will have to go to one of the cities: the capital is Wellington and the largest city is Auckland.





Australia, the land of sunshine, surfing and free space, is the largest island in the world. It is home to just over 24 million people who speak more than 200 languages, including Greek, Italian, Arabic and Mandarin. The greatest joy of the low population density is nature, which still breathes freely, thrives and thrives here in huge areas. Nearly 90% of native living organisms living in Australia are endemic, meaning you won’t find them anywhere else in the world. The south of the country is sunny and warm, but don’t worry, more snow falls in the Australian Alps each year than in Switzerland.

Why go to Australia?

Breathtaking natural scenery, endless miles and miles of beautiful excursions, the longest coastline on the planet, towns, cities and metropolises that smell of coffee and are packed with cultural destinations. On the map of Australia you will find deserts and rainforests, the entire telephone list of national parks and truly prominent beaches. Crossings between destinations can be handled quickly, but if you want to experience and see the most along the way, set aside a lot more time. There are places in Australia where you’ll feel like you’re in an anthill, but there are also places where you’ll feel like Neil Armstrong is on the moon – the first thing that makes footprints there.



Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

svatý vincent a grenadiny

Just the name. Saint Vincent and The Grenadines. Try saying it several times in a row. Sounds like fresh juice from exotic fruit, excellent rum and colorful flower. Sounds like a remote and mysterious island from an adventure book you read as a child. A chain of 32 islands rising above the Caribbean Sea still retains the hallmark of virgin undiscovered by the tourism industry. Empty islands are ruled by white beaches, blue skies and clear water. Although this description may suggest that this is a playground only for the rich, famous and noble, it is not. Even those who cannot reach the islands by their own multi-storey yacht will find their paradise here – either under palm trees in a hammock or with wandering shoes on their feet. There are definitely more destinations to go than can be achieved during an average holiday.

Why go there?

Kingstown, capital of the largest island, Saint Vincent. Fort Charlotte and Fort Duvernette Forts. The Vermont nature trail that leads through the rainforest and forest plantations. Bequia Island. Tobago Cays Marine Park. La Soufrière volcano. Beautiful waterfalls… Hike, peek, bathe, take pictures and remember for the rest of your life!.



Puerto Rico


Puerto Rico is a territory of the United States of America. It lies in the Caribbean Sea between the island of Hispaniola and the archipelago of the Lesser Antilles. Puerto Rico is the smallest of the islands of the Greater Antilles and to this day nothing denies its Spanish roots. It also includes several nearby smaller islands – west of the main island is the island of Mona, to the east is Culebra and Vieques. Travelers from all over the world meet with the same love in their hearts in this Caribbean paradise – breathtaking, colonial architecture, colorful facades, streets paved with cat heads, all with the kind assistance of year-round favorable weather.

Why go to Puerto Rico?

This gives you a bit of an enticing escape destination from the European winter! Despite the relatively small size of the main island, there is a very diverse environment. We can start with colorful tropical vegetation, great beaches with white sand, we can continue with historical gems such as San Juan or Poncé. A popular tourist destination is the El Yunque rainforest, the La Cabeza de San Juan nature reserve or the dry forest area in the west of the island called Bosque Estatal Guánica. Don’t forget to order no matter where you are.




dovolená v panamě

The capital, Ciudad de Panamá, offers a spectacular view of the remains of Spanish colonial buildings. The city is known for its lavish nightlife. Tourists’ favorite historic center attracts with picturesque streets, a visit to the cathedral with a massive tower and the Bishop’s House and the archaeological site in Panamá Viejo. Galleries of various species of flora and fauna include more than 940 species of birds, 218 mammals, 226 reptiles, 164 amphibians and 125 species of endemics.

Why go there?

Fans of breathtaking beaches can choose one of the islands of The Bocas del Toro or San Blas, natural treasure hunters will enjoy a trip to the national parks of Darién, La Amistad, Coiba and Chagres. In the province of Chiriquí, at an altitude of 3000 meters above sea level, there is the town of Boquete, which is the starting point for hiking and rafting trips in the Volcán Barú National Park, as well as for excursions to coffee plantations and hot springs. And if you’re on the hunt for the perfect property, be sure to look for current options right here.




exotická dovolená v Kataru

Qatar is on a peninsula extending from the Arabian Peninsula to the Persian Gulf. It is the richest country in the world. What makes Qatar one of the most remarkable destinations ever? Contrasts. There are not many places in the world where you can see a camel happily climbing a three-lane road in the shade of skyscrapers, millions of yachts and traditional sailboats parked next to each other in the harbor, as well as the world’s largest number of expatriates per square meter.

Why go there?

Qatar is one of the safest, most hospitable, fastest-changing places in the world. All this according to a strong scenario of Arab traditions and Islamic faith. When visiting Qatar, be sure not to miss the traditional Souq Waqif market,  where you can buy delicious food in addition to excellent shopping at any time of the day or evening. Don’t forget the several-kilometer promenade along the water of Doha Corniche, the Islamic cultural center in Doha, the mosque, the emir’s palace, and above all, enjoy the panoramas offered by the world-famous architecture that has been rapidly built only in recent decades.




Kdy jet na dovolenou

Let’s start immodestly. Oman will take your breath away. Bends knees. Steals the heart. If you are browsing through a travel agency catalogue and boredom alternates with boredom and none of the offers meets your requirements for luxury and originality, click on the catalogues and browse through the paradise offered by Oman. The ruggedness and variability of the landscape is a guarantee that you will not be bored for a second in Oman. In Oman, no one will lock you up in an impersonal resort that is no different from thousands of similar places around the country. In Oman, you become part of the life of the locals, draw authentic energy and your heartbeat adapts to the heartbeat of its genius loci.

Why go to Oman?

Unspoiled coasts, wind-driven and endless golden desert, dizzying, rocky mountains, huge caves and dangerous cliffs, dramatic geysers and green oases. Our winter is the best time to plan your holiday in Oman!.



British Virgin Islands

The British Virgin Islands, comprising over 50 small and 15 permanent inhabited islands, are among the most beautiful destinations in the area. Boasting some of the most beautiful beaches, it is also one of the most popular destinations for couples in love looking for the perfect romance for their wedding ceremony and honeymoon. Sentimental resorts, hotels and villas respect their surroundings and charm with sober, unobtrusive luxury rather than pomp and pomp.

Why go there?

The largest islands are Tortola with the capital Road Town, Virgin Gorda, Anegada, and Jost Van Dyke. On Tortola you will find fascinating, steep cliffs and escarpments in close friendship with chalky white beaches and calm westerly winds. The sleepy island of Jost Van Dyke honors its guests with delicious food and drink and is famous for its amazing New Year’s Eve celebrations. Fishing and diving enthusiasts are also aiming at it. Virgin Gorda and her Baths, mysterious saltwater caves and kitsch ponds, and finally the Anegada, a flat atoll surrounded by magnificent coral reefs.




Kdy jet na Arubu

Aruba is an island in the Caribbean Sea with an area of 193 km2. Located west of Curaçao and 30 kilometres off the north coast of Venezuela. Eagle Beach and Palm Beach dominate the list of the most beautiful beaches in the world, the capital Oranjestad is full of colors, the ocean is full of life and the tropical nightlife is full of fun, it got its name right here!

Why go there?

On the island you will have plenty of opportunities to place all your pocket money, lure casinos, shopping, great restaurants, romantic sunset cruises, or an adventurous discovery journey through Aruba in a rented 4×4. Explore the island’s wildlife, rocks, caves, Arikok National Park and its natural volcanic seawater pool. On the southwest coast, admire the coral reef, ride the waves on a kit or surf on Boca Grandi. Take the whole family with you and enjoy a paradise in the Caribbean that is perfect for both active and passive holidays that does not contradict the trend of sustainable resources.




kdy jet na barbados

The most beautiful coastline is the west, lined with first-class hotels with beautiful gardens, quaint shops and white-sand beaches flirting with the turquoise waters of the warm sea. Below, to the south, there is a picturesque epicenter of events: St Lawrence Gap, abbreviated “Gap”. There are excellent all-inclusive hotels and apartments all around, and a very welcoming community of people. Bridgetown and Carlisle Bay are halfway between, perfect for catamaran, submarine or diving courses. East and north are from another world – beaches and rocks, small bays and lagoons, hidden from the eyes of unwelcome guests.

Why go to Barbados?

The smell of fish roasted on the grill. Bottle of fine wine. A patio over a hidden bay, lit by torches, or a deserted beach, coconut palms, a picnic blanket, and fingers sifting through the soft, warm sand. Intimate Barbados is an island of scents, flavors and experiences, botanical gardens, interesting UNESCO-listed monuments, divine golf, diverse festivals.



Antigua And Barbuda

kdy jet na antiguu

The volcanic island of Antigua is part of the Leeward Islands in the eastern Caribbean Sea. You can go through it all. Or sail around on a sailboat and enjoy a unique view of the beauty of the island from the sea. Or dive to the wrecks at the coral reef that surrounds it. New hotels, amazing food, rainforest with adrenaline attractions and spectacular views, unprecedented diving. You will be welcomed by a warm, tropical climate with balanced temperatures throughout the year. Barbuda is located north of Antigua and what you need to know about it fits into one single word: beach.

Why go there?

Not just diving. But adventurous diving. Not just water sports, but water adventures! Not just beaches, but the most beaches in the world! At least according to some guides. And finally – not just an ordinary sunset, but the most beautiful sunset ever set. Antigua has amazing food, a rainforest with adrenaline attractions, and trekking opportunities for natural wonders with stunning views of the ocean, beaches, and harbor.




kdy jet na guadeloupe

The jewel of the Caribbean Sea belongs by law to France and by heart to Africa, but you will feel that it is all yours. In Guadeloupe you will discover two worlds – the flat Grande Terre and the mountainous Basse Terre. Discover endless, distant coastlines, towering green hills and memorable local markets with eternally well-tuned natives. Guadeloupe is not similar to any other destination in the locality, it is completely unmistakable and its.

Why go to Guadeloupe?

Try the white beach at Sainte-Anne, the black on the southwest coast of the island near the capital, Pearl Beach decorated with corals and the calm and clean waters of Courvelle Beach for days when you don’t want to stick your nose out of the water. If you get caught in the rain sometime in the afternoon, check out the coffee or cocoa museum, go fishing and wine at the great restaurant Le Mabouya dans le Bouteille in the cute Marina de Saint-François. Also try an aquarium or botanical garden. And when it clears up again – or preferably early in the morning when the sun rises, go to the waterfalls on the Carbet River or to the volcano La Sufriérre.




kdy jet na curacao

Imagine a colorful, multicultural and inspiring Amsterdam with beautiful architecture on vacation in the Caribbean. About seventy kilometers from Venezuela. Sun, sea, palm trees, sand, incredibly tasty food, vibrant UNESCO capital Willemstad, peaceful and clean beaches, wildlife. All this away from the tourist spotlight. Welcome to Curaçao (read kyrasó).

Why go there?

Once a pirate base, today an island of joy that offers countless opportunities to experience every second of your holiday to the fullest. For sunbathing and diving: Cas Abao beach, Porto Mari, Caracas Bay or Playa Forti. For those who love peace and quiet: the secluded Jeremi Beach. To the astonishment and dozens of photos: the rocky coast of the north, or Boka Pistol in Shete Boka National Park. To observe the flora and fauna: Christoffel Park, the largest national park on the island. For entertainment: nightlife in jazz clubs, dancing in salsa clubs, gambling in casinos. For the joys of life and blue tongues: real Blue Curaçao liqueur in bars on the Pirate Bay at happy hour, often accompanied by an unforgettable sunset.




kdy jet do Grenady

Grenada offers picturesque bays and coves for unforgettable diving to real treasures. The island with the scent of ginger, cloves, nutmeg and rum has a dramatic history, but now it is a place for a peaceful and unforgettable holiday, where you will not find huge resorts and where even the most famous places do not suffer from the onslaught of tourists. They say it’s the last paradise on earth.

Why go there?

On a hilly island with several rivers, where there is nowhere far to go, you will be welcomed by the elegant capital city of St George’s, which undoubtedly aspires to be one of the most beautiful in the region. The place where it lives the most is the northwest coast of the island with the famous Grand Anse beach, which offers many bars, restaurants and hotels. A short boat ride will take you to the islands of Carriacou and Petite Martinique and your feet to the fascinating Annandale and Seven Sister’s waterfalls in Grand Etang National Park. Here and in the Forest Preserve you can admire, for example, exotic birds or rare monkeys.




kdy jet na Mauritius

Well-being and smiling people. And multicultural spirit. That’s what you realize first. European, African, Arab or Indian influences have left traces, monuments and ubiquitous tolerance here. With the sounds of picturesque Creole and the smell of vanilla, you can enjoy this picturesque island all year round thanks to the favourable temperatures – whenever you want. Mauritius is synonymous with luxury golf tourism, safe swimming and colorful diving to the corals or shipwrecks of 18. centuries, dolphin excursions, clean white sand beaches and green forests and volcanic craters and waterfalls.

Why go to Mauritius?

Mauritius may simply appear as another country with sea, beaches and sun. That’s 16 numbers.Mauritius is like a lavishly laid out Swedish table that offers something of everything, plus beautifully packaged and in that quality. Visit Chamarel, a small village with seven-colored layers of sand, Port Louis, the capital will enchant you with French colonial architecture, Champ de Mars, Le Capitaine and Imran Khan.




kdy jet na martinik

Martinique (in French Martinique) is part of the archipelago of the Lesser Antilles and is located between the islands of Saint Lucia and Dominica. From the beautiful blue sea, green hills rise to the sky, dominated by the Mont Pelée volcano. It is the diversity of the environment that attracts so many tourists to Martinique. You should not miss proven goals: the Balata Gardens botanical garden, twenty white stone statues silently observing Diamond Beach sadly reminiscent of the maritime disaster of 1830, the Cathedral of St.Louise in Fort-de-France or distillery in Habitation Clément.

Why go to Martinique?

The northern part of the island is mountainous with rainforests, the southern is charming with its own natural beauty, cozy bays, bays and long kilometers of white sand beaches with coconut palms, where you will often meet only a few people. Or even no one! Wherever you go on the island, a friendly French atmosphere with a touch of Gallic “joie de vivre” will breathe on you from all sides. The rich cultural heritage of the island is reflected in both music and multicultural cuisine, which pleasantly tickles the taste buds.



Dominican Republic

kdy jet do Dominikánské republiky

In the Caribbean, the Dominican Republic is one of the most geographically diverse destinations. You can collect holiday experiences on beautiful beaches, in high mountains, on sightseeing tours, trips on salt plains, dunes or vineyards. A coast hundreds of kilometers long can be calm, lined with white sand beaches or dramatic, with rocky bays. Drive along the coastline through traditional fishing villages or tourist resorts of all kinds and sizes. You can observe fauna and flora on land and underwater, you must not miss thousands of migratory humpback whales or one of the national parks.

Why go there?

The Dominican Republic is visited by 4 million tourists a year and it’s no wonder. Why is it so attractive? Because the list of what you can experience and see here never ends! You can feed monkeys, jump from waterfalls, ride through the jungle on a quad bike, surf, dive, experience your own mental revival, play golf, enjoy a cocktail of fresh coconuts under palm trees on the beach, dance a carnival or all night, or return to the times of pirates or Spanish conquerors.




Kdy jet na dovolenou do Argentiny

Experience as much as possible, see as much as possible, do not get bored for a second and find surprises around every corner. Located in the south of South America, Argentina is the most diverse country of your dreams thanks to the very diverse climate zones – both from a natural and cultural point of view. Where else in the world can you see the Merito Moremo glacier and the rocky deserts and hot steppes, the high mountain massifs of the Andes and the plains of Patagonia, the beautiful golden beaches of Buenos Aires province and the wild waterfalls on the Iguazu River, volcanoes and subtropical and rainforests in one place?.

Why go to Argentina?

In Argentina, you can watch the world from a horseback, surfboard, raft, paragliding or skis. All this in the rhythm of tango and above all in the comfort of the mild climate of the country. You can travel, walk or get a ride and discover nature, exceptional food, perfect wine, interesting people and sights of this country. Argentina’s largest city is Buenos Aires with its famous La Boca neighbourhood, plus Córdoba and Rosario. There are up to thirty national parks, the coastal waters are rich in fish, the most famous seaside resorts are Mar del Plata, Coastal District or Pinamar. A paradise for nature observers and biologists is located on the Valdés Peninsula, on Punta Tombo Cape or in a UNESCO reserve at the lowest point of South America.



South Africa

Jihoafrická republika

You fly somewhere, you’re there for a while, and then you come home. The space and time around you will borrow you for a while, leave a trace, and then bring you back to your life. South Africa is different. South Africa will swallow you up. If you plan to include this tip of the planet among your travel catches, then South Africa is your gateway to the entire region. Please meet your new love. Dramatic, fateful, melancholic, passionate, shocking. You can’t get South Africa out of your head or heart. And don’t ask us why. This has to be experienced.

Why go there?

Because here luxury is available to everyone. And what you can save on luxury class accommodation compared to other destinations, you can boldly dissolve in shopping, golf or sports activities on 3,000 kilometers of beaches.



United Arab Emirates

Kdy jet do emirátů

In the United Arab Emirates, you’ll feel like Alice in Wonderland. It’s not just a fantasy, it’s a reality. The pearl of the region, Dubai is known for towering skyscrapers, sumptuous hotels, islands dotted with green palm trees, department stores the size of smaller cities or alabaster beaches. If you pull your heels from this sci-fi city to any of the other six emirates, it’s like watching seven episodes of one series, each one completely different!.

Why go there?

Because we all deserve to go there at least once in our lives! Fresh oases and endless deserts, breathtaking heights and dark blue depths, gold and wealth, cleanliness, order and a completely different culture, architecture and kitchen. You will come back home and it will all seem like a wonderful dream. Which is not forgotten.




Dovolená v Jordánsku

No words will prepare you enough for the beauty of Jordan, you just have to experience it. First of all, because at first glance you will only see rocks, sand and the sun – Mars on Earth. Already at a second glance, however, the country begins to reveal the multifacetedness of the territory, people and nature. In the end, you’ll find there’s something around every corner that you’ve never seen before. The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan is a true wonder of the world, waiting to be discovered. Treasures such as the legendary city of Petra, the Wadi Rum valley and its magnificent desert scenery, the biblical mountain Nebo, the mosaics in the city of Madaba, the Dead Sea, the archaeological site of Amman Citadel or the ancient city of Jarash will compete for your favor.

Why go there?

Jordan is today an attractive and safe destination for tourists with many faces, great food and amazing opportunities. Olive trees, incense, saffron, myrrh, cardamom, pepper, cinnamon or ginger – not only maps and itineraries will guide you through Jordan, but also the beauty of the night starry sky, the smell of myrrh and incense, and the tastes of the Middle East.



Burma (Myanmar)

Kdy jet na dovolenou na Barmu

You can’t deny the development in Burma, or Myanmar, the second largest country in Southeast Asia, but fortunately, its pace is not so rapid as to destroy the pure pleasure of an enthusiastic traveler. This will be pleased not only by the views that belong on the front pages of magazines, but also by the stories written by the extremely interesting cultural development of the region. Even though Myanmar’s gates have only recently opened to the world, the tourist infrastructure works and serves the full spectrum of services – from historic landmarks to five-star resorts of Western brands, from traditional markets to glittering boutiques of lavish names, from luxury boats to floating villages on Lake Inle, from culinary feasts in restaurants to a meal in a hut with chickens.

Why go there?

Myanmar (until 1989 officially Burma) is a very spiritual place – not only by the strength of its religion, but also by the overall atmosphere and pace of life to which the European looks and in which he finds the much desired peace and space for meditation. The natural beauty of the country off the coast of the Bay of Bengal and the Andaman Sea takes the form of paradise beaches, high mountain peaks shrouded in fog, impenetrable jungle, majestic lakes and long rivers.




Kdy jet na dovolenou do Laosu

Laos is sometimes described as a less attractive destination than its neighbors, however, let’s be honest, it’s not fair. It is true that ten times more tourists will go to neighbouring Thailand. That even Myanmar (formerly Burma), a long-sleeping princess, enjoys more attention. By the way, other neighbors of Laos are Vietnam, Cambodia and China… The tourist centers have a pleasantly peaceful atmosphere, the promenades are lined with French cafes and baguettes. Laos is a land of impenetrable jungles full of wild life, deserted beaches, coffee plantations, French colonial architecture, friendly people and a very dramatic history that continues to this day in some sad contexts. All the more powerful can be your experience in one of the most mysterious countries in Asia with a strong religious character, where the cult of animism and ancestor worship still persists.

Why go there?

Over 70% of Laos is occupied by mountains or plateaus, 50% of the territory is forested. Here you can experience, for example, long treks on the ridges of the mountains, cycling, kayaking on the legendary Mekong River. You can fly through the air on a rope above the treetops of the rainforest, climb rocks, discover caves and waterfalls.



Ras al Khaimah

Ras al Khaimah - kdy a kam jet na dovolenou

The seventh and northernmost of the emirates, Ras al Khaimah, is the younger sibling of stellar Dubai. He’s calmer and cheaper than his more famous brother, plus they’re really close – just an hour away. If we were to describe Ras al Khaimah from above, it would look like this: desert, long beaches of light sand, islets, islands and peninsulas, hotel complexes of world-famous brands, swimming pools, green oases, lagoons, bays, harbour, shopping centres, universities, mosques, minarets and a few taller buildings. In terms of horizons, you have four options: the desert, the Haraj Mountains, the clean and warm waters of the Persian Gulf, or – starry skies.

Why go there?

Free time to have… You won’t! Because you will use all the minutes and hours to relax by the pool, take a city tour, visit the National Museum of Ras Al Khaimah, take a trip to the desert or to the spa resort of Khat. Of course, you should also go to Dubai, for fun in Saqr Public Park for children and adults in the city district of Suhaila. You can discover treasures in the zoo or in the old market in the middle of the peninsula. You can climb into the mountains or to Dhayah Fortress. A special experience is a walk in the abandoned fishing village of Jazirat al-Hamra or a day trip to the Musandam Peninsula.




Kdy jet do Vietnamu

Vietnam is a country full of treasures that you might not expect, but when you get to know them, you will not let them. When you see a real movie full of fascinating nature, dramatic history, white beaches, clear sea, unrivaled food and unobtrusive, but ubiquitous energy of local people, you will believe that Vietnam is at the top of every traveler’s list. None of your senses will remain cheated in Vietnam and none of your interests will remain satisfied.

Why go to Vietnam?

Vietnam is a place made for those of you who can’t decide whether to go to the city or nature on your vacation. Exotic and unforgettable, at the same time absolutely convincing and rich program of your visit can cumulate the maximum of the most colorful experiences colored by the unrepeatable atmosphere of this country, which for all of us even today carries its important messages from the past.




kdy jet na dovolenou do Mexika

Energy. Beauty. But not for nothing, with nice souvenirs from mindless resorts. Mexico is no tourist glamour. In context, it goes deep into history. Mexico offers much more than you hope for, and for a trip to this Latin American country, be sure to prepare a thick travel notebook. In it, like millions of tourists before you, you will certainly not only write down the names and places, but above all the impressions, smells, tastes, colors and experiences.

Why go to Mexico?

Thanks to the pleasant weather, Mexico is almost a year-round destination, regardless of whether you are going to discover a journey in the footsteps of ancient civilizations or a relaxing stay in one of the resorts on the Pacific coast, the Atlantic coast, the Caribbean Sea or the Gulf of Mexico. First-class beaches await you near Baja California, in Cancun or Tulum. Wind and waves rule Oaxaca and the south coast. Picturesque towns, UNESCO monuments, vibrant metropolises, deserts, forests, volcanoes, mountains and plains… Mexico is one big culinary festival for food lovers, a club for entertainment and music lovers that does not have a final, inspiring and incredibly photogenic gallery of people, animals and plants for the observer. All this – and much more – is mesmerizing Mexico.



Saint Martin

Kdy jet na Svatý Martin

If you are looking for someone to give your heart to, look no further. A beautiful tropical destination, Saint Martin Island will win your attention, love and admiration. It is part of the archipelago of the Lesser Antilles in the eastern part of the Caribbean Sea and belongs to the Leeward Islands. The territory of the island is divided between two states, France and the Netherlands, and therefore has two capitals: the first is the Dutch Philipsburg with an irresistible business district and interesting galleries. The latter is the French Marigot with a magnificent promenade, several landmarks, a famous market and elegant restaurants.

Why go there?

Of course, the most important thing to pack before going to your suitcase is light clothing: good shoes, swimsuits, sunglasses and snorkelling equipment. The island is ready to give itself to you in all its beauty, above and below the sea level. This cosmopolitan island has its charm of 120 different nationalities even after the solar eclipse, where it lives the rhythm and fun in the Caribbean spirit with a light flavor of Guavaberry rum. The island has 37 beaches of all kinds for all kinds of people. From mysterious and tucked away sandy beaches for couples in love to vibrant, rocky cliffs framed for active athletes. Families with children will find plenty of fun and sports opportunities for all ages. The highest peak of the island is Pic Paradise, from which you can enjoy panoramic views of the surroundings.



Saint Lucia

Kdy jet na svatou Lucii

Saint Lucia is of volcanic origin, located in the archipelago of the Lesser Antilles and belongs to the Windward Islands, the capital is named Castries. Sun-drenched sandy beaches, warm and clear sea, average year-round temperature around 29 degrees, lively rainforests with rare animals, sharply cut rocky cliffs, interesting people and their stories. Saint Lucia is a place to escape from reality, where lazy days are spent on one of the many white sandy beaches or with perfect food and active days hiking in beautiful nature.

Why go there?

In addition to the nickname Pearl of the Caribbean Islands, the island is also called the Kingdom of Cocoa and Chocolate. The natural beauties are crowned, for example, by the area of Mount Pimard, old volcanic cones called Pitons inscribed on the UNESCO list or the only volcano to be reached by car, Soufriere Volcano, or the Toraille waterfall, whose icy waters will refresh you beautifully. The island’s nightlife takes place right on the street, in bars and clubs. It looks more like dance parties and carnivals than classic discos, but you will get a more authentic impression – about the local people and their concept of entertainment. For history, snorkeling and coral, be sure to head to Pegeon Island, where you will find ruins of buildings from the Anglo-French War, two beautiful beaches, a bar and restaurant with excellent local offer and, last but not least, excellent views of the northwest coast of the island – and in good visibility all the way to Martinique.



Thailand – Koh Samui

Kdy jet na Koh Samui

Not everyone thinks of an ideal holiday as a sun lounger, book, palm tree and headphones with relaxing music. If you want, then the party starts on Koh Samui as soon as you get off the plane! Thailand’s third largest island, located in the waters of the South China Sea, is the showcase of Thai tourism. It abounds in colors, lights, scents, stands out with picturesque beaches, beautiful white sand and tropical vegetation. At the same time, however, it retains its style and pleasant atmosphere.

Why go there?

Recharge your batteries and get lost in the whirlpool of fun? Koh Samui. Luxury SPA? Koh Samui. Peace and meditation, inspiration of ancient monasteries? Koh Samui. Beaches, cocktails and coconuts? Koh Samui.




Kdy jet na Malajsii

From gorgeous beaches and idyllic islets to multi-ethnic, vibrant cities. From dense rainforests to mountains that touch the sky. Diverse Malaysia is like an “all you can eat” eater restaurant for tourists. This Southeast Asian destination, divided into two different worlds by the South China Sea, offers countless different attractions, from which everyone can choose. Both on the side of the multicultural peninsula under Malaysian, Chinese and Indian influences, and on the side of Borneo, which boasts a wild jungle.

Why go to Malaysia?

In Malaysia’s two-in-one microcosm, you’ll never be bored and whatever you’re in the mood for will be at hand. Extreme contrasts are one of the most important tourist assets of Malaysia and you will be able to enjoy them both in the pursuit of architecture and monuments or in getting to know local people and culinary wonders, as well as outdoors in nature.




Kdy jet do Indie

I’m sure you know a lot about India, even if you’ve never been there. Feel free to set out to materialize your ideas about the most colorful country on earth. You will make the most colorful, spicy, authentic and, above all, your own experiential video of all time! Dazed by the unrepeatable atmosphere attacking all the senses, you will stroll around one of the essential places of your Indian stay. New Delhi, Agra, Jaipur, Varanasi, Kolkata or the majestic Taj Mahal… You can boldly plan trips to the best food of a thousand tastes, to national parks full of wildlife, wild rivers and wild imaginations, to cities, beaches, monuments and contrasts that are nowhere in the world so… contrasting as in India.

Why go to India?

To be complete, whatever you need to accomplish in the areas of self-discovery, breathtaking culture, alpine hiking, adventure diving or dramatic human destinies in live streaming, India will not put any barriers in your way.




Kdy jet na dovolenou do Nepálu

Travel is mostly just moving from point A to point B. But traveling in Nepal will change your life. Because it is not only traveling in space, but also in time, in the sense of life, in the deep spiritual footprints of the past and sometimes very grounded own footprints of the present. Staying in Nepal will slow you down and calm you down, suddenly you will notice what you missed before, and on the contrary, you will let go of what burdened you unnecessarily at home. After the devastating earthquake in 2015, the tourism benefit has one more important benefit, which is charity.

Why go to Nepal?

Because this country needs you and you need it. The mutual positive influence is the reason why Nepal should not be missing in your travel diary. In order to get the most out of Nepal, you do not need to conquer a single Himalayan peak, yet nothing will ever erase the beautiful scenery – both human and natural – from your memory.




švýcarsko Luzern

Small in size, big in importance? For tourists, definitely. And feel free to bring high demands with you in your backpack, because they will be met. The second meaning of the word Switzerland is pure and you will be convinced of it every step of the way. Beautiful scenery to look at – even when you’re not enjoying fairy-tale castles, beautiful nature or wild waterfalls. You can ski in Zermatt or photograph the world’s most photographed mountain – the Matterhorn. Don’t be afraid to plan countless destinations across Switzerland. The way to them will not be any torture, but a comfortable and precise joy for a second.

Why go to Switzerland?

The country is divided into three regions: German, French and Italian. That’s why even traveling in Switzerland feels like riding through three different cultures, and experiences melt on your tongue like the most delicious chocolate.




Kdy na dovolenou do Tyrolska

Tyrol, virtually all of whose vast territory is occupied by the Alps, will welcome you at any time of the year in all its glory. Tempting peaks, green pastures, picturesque valleys, magnificent glaciers… This is a unique scenery that never offers two identical views. More than a quarter of Tyrol’s territory is made up of nature reserves dominated by 500 mountain peaks higher than 3,000 meters above sea level.

Why go there?

If hospitality and kindness of the locals are important to you, you will really like Tyrol. Friendly people will make a pleasant stay in chalets from an ordinary holiday with a homely atmosphere that will welcome you every time you return from hiking trails or ski slopes.




A country that deserves your attention and will reward you richly for it. The unusual colorful atmosphere of the sunset will beautifully introduce you to the pearl of Southeast Asia, which is still a little waiting to be discovered. The country is mainly known for the remains of the temple of Angkor Vat from 12. century, but if you are interested in getting to know this country really, be sure to go beyond tourist reservations.

Why go there?

Because the world is changing rapidly and places where you still have the chance to experience an authentic atmosphere are disappearing. Because the purpose of travel is to explore the space beyond the borders, and Cambodia is such a space. Your full attention deserves the capital city of Phnom Penh, Tuol Sleng, Battanbang, Tonle Slap, Chipat area or Cambodian Islands, Virachey National Park. Cambodia borders Laos, Thailand and Vietnam, if you are planning a panoramic tour of this region, be sure to include it in your plan. Worth it.




kdy jet do laponska

If you do not want to say goodbye to the winter and you like fairytale landscapes, plan a trip to Lapland in January-March. Beyond the Arctic Circle is at this time just right for us to fully devote ourselves to the aurora borealis, icebreaker cruising, white trail on cross-country skis, snowshoes and snowmobiles, dog sleds and fish hunts, sleighs and their reindeer, or even a night in an ice hotel. But if you don’t insist on snow, Lapland will offer you a lot even in summer. Beautiful nature 24 hours a day – literally!.

Why go to Lapland?

Magical, clean, fragrant, fresh, colorful, deserted, and for a pedestrian the endless territory of Lapland will give you the feeling that there are no boundaries of space or experience. With every breath you get tons of fresh energy and your senses will be more sensitive to ordinary beauties from day to day. The nostalgic mystery of the landscape engulfs you as much as the silence, lights, colors and glosses. Let’s not forget: take your camera with you, places like Nuorgam, Inari, Utsjoki, Hetta or Rovaniemi await you.




Kdy jet na dovolenou do Venezuely

Venezuela lies on the north coast of South America off the Caribbean coast, in the tropics north of the equator. It consists of the mainland and many islands, the largest of which is Isla de Margarita. From sun-warmed beaches to snow-capped mountain peaks, this South American country’s nature is as varied as its population. And at the same time dramatic as the current political situation.

Why go to Venezuela?

In terms of tourism, do not succumb to prejudices and embark on a multi-layered culture that is best characterized by the carnival season. At the same time, go for nature that is full of treasures. Venezuela is dominated by Angel Falls in Canaima National Park, tabular mountains in Medanos de Coro National Park with a breathtaking ecosystem, caves, diamond mines or the delta of the mighty Orinoco River. For example, head to one of Venezuela’s most famous resorts, Chichiriviche, for beaches and the sea. The surrounding islands are fabulous with great swimming, for history, go to the university town of Caracas, where, of course, do not forget about La Plaza Bolívar.




kdy jet na dovolenou do Kolumbie

You don’t have to be a perfect connoisseur of the region, and yet you probably know that Colombia has never belonged to a wider selection of popular tourist destinations. However, times change and so does the map of places you should look. Definitely add Colombia to your favorites circle, which offers more and more goals even for those who write the word “I do not risk” in the “security” field.

Why go there?

The capital city of Bogotá is booming and handy for tourists – it offers boutique hotels, new restaurants, branded breweries and a varied program of sightseeing tours around the city, its history and present. Even Medellín rises from the tourist ashes, lives art, culture and enjoys the title of the World’s Most Innovative City for 2013. What’s next? Colonial Gallery Cartagena with a sad past but an optimistic present, lounging on the Caribbean coast. Ciudad Perdida, an archaeological destination in the Sierra Nevada, older than Machu Picchu. The city of Zipaquirá, home of the Underground Salt Cathedral. Run for nature above the surface to Lake Guatapé or one of South America’s most beautiful national parks, Tayrony, with sandy beaches, clear lagoons and (so far) very sober infrastructure. And beyond the underwater nature, look at the archipelagos of San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina in the Atlantic Ocean.




kdy jet na dovolenou do Ekvádoru

Ecuador is a state in South America that lies at the equator (Mitad del Mundo in Spanish). It is located about 20 km north of the metropolis of Quito. Ecuador has three faces. The first one is’ costa ‘, the west coast of the Pacific. The second  is “sierra”, or mountain ridges of the Andes and volcanoes. The third is “oriente”, an area of tropical rainforests. The Galapagos archipelago in the eastern Pacific Ocean is a bonus in addition to the wonderful natural wealth. They are famous for their beautiful beaches, warm sea and special animal species, such as prehistoric-looking lizards and giant terrestrial turtles.

Why go to Ecuador?

Ecuador is like an ordinary, poor box that you will find miracles in when you open it. This pleasantly small country is definitely worth planning a little longer trip and driving it through the water and on land, nature and cities. Hold on to your (Andean) hats, the adventure begins! Spanish and Native American influence is evident at every step and across different periods of history. Decorated churches and monasteries, villages renowned for their textile production, the colonial cities of Quito and Cuenca with beautiful architecture, squares paved with cat heads and people at every turn. Explorers, travelers, hikers, athletes and adrenaline lovers, wildlife observers, welcome to Ecuador, land of 26 national parks and reserves, Amazon rainforest, medicinal springs, roast guinea pigs, bananas, coffee and cocoa.




kdy jet na madeiru

An active holiday in a green subtropical paradise full of botanical gardens. Madeira belongs to Portugal, but it is closer to Africa. Nevertheless, it is a unique and unrepeatable country. Landscape formed by ancient volcanic activity, decorated with beautiful nature, where everything that can grow grows. Whether tranquility and pace of walking or adrenaline and sprinting, whether from land, water or air, Madeira will offer a rich program under the blue sky and in the company of the endless Atlantic Ocean.

Why go there?

Madeira is part of the EU, yet it is exotic by every inch. You will not get lost in the crowds of tourists, but you will not even feel like you are at the end of the world, where foxes say good night. A special charm has an island for flower lovers in April, when the annual Flower Festival takes place in Funchal.